Wednesday 28 November 2018

Reasearch about Jerry Spinelli

We are now reading 'Wringer' from Jerry Spinelli and one of the ideas for us to do about one of the things that happend in the book or some thing based on the book so I did facts about the author on google drawing.

Here is my google drawing about Jerry spinelli.

Cricket training

On Tuesday 27th we had Paddy come to are school from Canterbury to teach us some cricket skills and to get outside and do some fitness. He also told us how you catch a cricket ball and to hit the ball and count your runs we also did. And he told us the the boys are black caps and the girls are white ferns. He also comes to another schools to promote the sport and to give you that cricket experience.

Here's some photos of us playing cricket.

Monday 26 November 2018


In writing I did a slideshow on knight you could choose if you wanted to do a document,slideshow,google drawing we did three things about knights and there life and after we finishes that we got to make a shield. I did this slideshow with Chloe-Rose

'Wringer' script

We are reading Wringer by Jerry Spinelli. We chose a script from the book that we would like to do. Then we wrote a script from the scene that we picked then when we finished that Miss Hahn but us with people in the class depending on how many people we needed I only needed one person my buddy was Ben M  I was recording because my scene was a boy called Palmer. We had to have camera shots,angles,music and dialogue. My scene is about pigeon feeding.