A fact about Refugees so you understand
New Zealand have Accept 750 refugees a year. The biggest refugee camps are Kakuma,Hagadera,Dagahaley,Ifo,Dadaab,Zaatari,Yida,Katumba.
A Refugee is someone who has left their country because of bombing or war or something bad happened to the country.
The answers are at the end see if you got them correct. Comment what answers you picked.
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The quiz
Highlight the answer you think is right
A.How many refugees are in New Zealand?
A.1000 B.750 C.675
B. How many characters are in the book Refugee by Alan Gratz?
A.4 B.2 C.3
C. What are the main characters names in the story refugee’s?
Lisa, Josef and Jessica B. Josef, Isabel and Mahmoud C. Katie, Lucy and Jake
What country did they start their journey at?
A.Germany cuba serbia B.America Australia Austria C. Europe Russia India
D. What is a refugee?
People that have to leave their country because of war and booming. B. People that go to refugee camps. C.People that have to move to another country.
B. 3
C. Josef, Isabel and Mahmoud
D.People that have to leave their country because of war and booming.
An interactive blog post Shanika! I was able to get all the answers correct, however I did need to go back and check how many refugees NZ accepts a year. Have you used 'Kahoot'?
ReplyDeleteSorry no I haven't.
ReplyDeletequestion A.750,question B.3,question C.Josef, Isabel and Mahmoud,question D.People that have to leave their country because of war and booming. I got 3/4 right
Well done That is a cool Blog post maybe you could get rid of some of the spaces but other than that it is really good.